Tuesday, June 01, 2010

ABCs 123s

I've noticed that Kyla has been talking letters and numbers lately, in a different way, and it's exciting! I've realized, once again, that I have no clue what the next step is, you know, the step past 3 years and 4 months of age. Can you tell I am not an expert in childhood development? Here's something I just figured out, please, refrain from pointing and laughing... when I was stressing that Kyla couldn't sing her ABC's at age two like one of her friends, it didn't matter, because at that point it was just memorization of a song NOT letter recognition. Same goes for counting. I'll be the first to admit, it's impressive when a 1 year old can count to 15, but as of, oh, yesterday, it doesn't stress me out that my one year old doesn't do that and most likely will not until after he is two. But that is fine with me (really, this is a revelation for me) because I know that he will (really) learn his numbers and, at the same time, will have this crazy knack for memorizing random information (like all toddlers and preschoolers do), whether its letters and numbers, or not.

I've noticed that Kyla is interested in numbers in the way that each number has value and that they can add up. I've noticed that Kyla recognizes letters and knows that they make different sounds. It's exciting that she is learning, but it's exciting to me in a way that boggles my mind! I can only imagine what it will feel like when she discovers things beyond her ABCs and 123s. I'm reminded of my favorite high school teacher, Mr. Shields, he said his favorite thing about teaching was seeing the exact moment when a student 'got it' or figured out what he was trying to teach. I see those moments in Kyla and she is only 3! I so look forward to many, many more of these moments!

Today in the car, Kyla asked, "How long until I am 100?"

"In 97 years." I said.

"That's going to be a great party!" she replied.

"... Yes, it is going to be a great party."
She's so smart :)

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