Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oh the Irony!!

Last Sunday Morning, Stephen took the kids on a walk to Starbucks and I stayed home to... Okay do you want a rabbit trail? Because I can give you a rabbit trail!

 The previous weekend we had gone up to Vail as a little this-is-our-only-'vacay'-this-summer getaway and Colby, Kyla and even Stephen wound up with a bad head cold. The kind NyQuill, Sudafed 'severe cold' and Triminic couldn't handle. There was very little sleeping and much booger sucking to be had. But guess who didn't get sick?? That's right, me! Maybe this is my reward for catching a cold every. time. my kids have in the past 4.5 years, or maybe it was the garlic. Okay, long story shorter. I started feeling like I was catching the bug, so I started eating vitamin C like candy - okay about 2-3000 mg/day (I'm not giving advice, I'm just saying what I did in my frantic state of not wanting to get sick) and each day I ate about two cloves of garlic. Raw. I used my garlic press and mixed it into about 1/4 cup applesauce, and it burned, and it tasted like I ate garlic bread AND P.F. Chang's Mongolian Beef for breakfast, but I didn't get sick! I had the 'uuhhhhg-no' I feel like I'm getting sick scratchy throat, headache and swollen glands thing for a couple days, but it never developed into the fierce head cold of congestion that it did for everyone else. Team Garlic here!! Okay, so I stayed home while Stephen took the kids on a walk, I decided to make myself some coffee and watch our Sunday morning church service live on my laptop. As I settled in I stared feeling much better, go team Garlic, team Coffee and team God!! So good that I took a picture:

I'm not sure if I've ever intentionally taken a picture of my laptop, but this was to be my last, well, last picture of my properly functioning laptop. If you were to zoom in on the pic you would notice there was only 12 minutes battery time left, and you would notice the children's book it is resting on. Can you see where this story is going? Well, I moved the laptop to the back of the other side of the couch (the side that is not up against a wall) to plug it in to the power cord, after the sermon was over there was worship music playing so I left it open to play while I got busy cleaning up and putting laundry away, all while having the nagging feeling that I should put it away. Well, sure enough, Stephen and the kids come home, Colby climbs on the couch, reaches for the book under the laptop and knocks it right off the back of the couch. Funny how even if you've never heard the sound of a laptop falling to it's death, you still know what the sound is when you hear it. Wahhh! I had a little predicament in trying to decide whether or not to fix my screen, get a new laptop or just get an iPad. Several reasons for each option but this is what I wound up with, I like to call this: The Solution, as taken from my iPad.

I can still use my laptop if need be, for photos, Word, writing contracts for the townhouse.... which I should be doing right now... etc. But for every day convenience, read: web browsing -  read: facebooking, blog reading, Pinteresting and recipe gathering, the iPad is the perfect tool for that job :) As for my start-up disk on my (almost) four-year old laptop, I need to step into 2011 and get a separate external hard drive for my photos (not just backing them up on Time Capsule), then figure out how to resize my photos (if need be) and definitely figure out what size they are importing off from my DSLR camera. Meh. But after doing that my trusty OLD (yeah, OLD, every one at Apple made sure to remind me how OLD it is and that they don't even make the white laptops anymore, blah blah. YEAH. I KNOW. You came out with the new ones FIVE days after I bought mine, almost 4 years ago!! I'm only a little bitter, this happened both times we purchased macs) ...laptop should be fine for awhile.

 Oh, even Kyla is iPad savvy. Stephen says to Kyla, "guess what? Mom got kind of like a new computer, it like a phone, but bigger."

Kyla (blankly): "Like an iPad?"

LOL! Duh, dad!  She whipped this up for me yesterday:

Fancy, huh? :)

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