Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Boy and his Dog

We got the dog groomed about two weeks ago so they are no longer quarantined to the garage/backyard, they are quarantined to a little 'dog' area by the door, haha!  But for like 37 seconds while they were still good and clean I let them go on the carpet : )  I'm such a loving dog owner!!!

Anyway, Colby just LOVES the dogs, he crawls/drags his body over the floor to get to their gate to pull up and look at them, he could crawl all over them all day long... but then his little hands would be full of hair and I would lose. my. mind.  So I hold him and hoover him over the dogs while he squeels and says 'duh, duh' for dog.  And they lick his hands... uuuugh, and I take him away.  It's no fun for anyone, really.

So for the 37 seconds that Colby got to be with his loves...

And here's some more cuteness, for good measure ; )


  1. So cute...I think you need to just let him have at the dogs all he wants. :)

  2. All the pictures are cute - but that last one? I think I need that in print!
