Monday, September 26, 2011

One Minute 9.26.11

What is this child doing? 
A. Directing music 
B. Shoo-ing flies 
C. Playing Bejeweled using the tiles on the wall 

 The answer is C and the reason is because she's a Bejeweled playing addict and is now finding alternate sources to play the 'shape/color-sorting into rows-of-three-or-more' game.

And she's seriously good, too... and competitive.  The other night Stephen was playing on his phone, Kyla was playing on the iPad and I was playing on my phone.  Just a little family quality time :)
Oh, who won?  Well, I did, of course!
OK.  Stephen did, but it was pure luck ; D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Aww Coconuts!

Kyla: how do coconuts grow?

Me: They grow on coconut trees.

Kyla: ummm... Maybe I'll ask someone that actually knows...

Me: I *do* know, I just told you! They grow on trees, just like apples grow on apple trees and bananas grow on banana trees...

Kyla: [afraid to speak]

Me: ... It's in their genetic code. Coconut trees have a code that tell them to grow coconuts. Kyla has a code to grow blue eyes and blonde hair.

Kyla: [thinking]

Now, she's either trying to figure out who else she can ask, or my answer was good enough.